donderdag 17 december 2009

Mass Mind Control

Many people are not aware that while they are watching the television they are being hypnotized. This is such a way that they accept everything which they see without critical thinking or even questioning it.

The television is actually a constant flow of images which is flickering. Tough we do not see it consciously. If you think of it you will remember that one time someone filmed the TV while on the video you didn’t see properly because it was constantly flickering. This repetition of flickering images creates a state of mind that is similar to hypnosis. The researcher Herbert Krugman has shown that within 30 seconds of television viewing, brain waves switch from predominantly beta waves, indicating alert and conscious attention, to predominantly alpha waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of attention. The brain's left hemisphere, which processes information logically and analytically, tunes out while the person is watching TV, while the right hemisphere of the brain, which processes information emotionally and non-critically, is allowed to function without hindrance. Due to this phenomenon, television transmits information, which is not actively thought about at the time of exposure, much like hypnosis. When viewing television, we do not consciously rationalize the information resonating within our unconscious depths at the time of transmission and the viewer becomes more open and suggestible.

This causes that it is an powerful tool used to control minds of the mass. In recent years, a number of investigations and exposes have revealed that the major media companies silences independent voices and investigations, discourage journalism that interferes with the agendas of their special interests, and eliminate diversity in the information they provide. Because of the control that these companies have over the information that most people receive on a daily basis, these criticisms and revelations are never known by most of the American public.

These media giants work hand in hand with the federal government as well as many multinational corporations to disseminate carefully planned messages. Through the television and other forms of media, they tell you what to think about, what to worry about, what to smile about, and what to be scared of. They have sold the public on the idea of the newscaster being an trustworthy person who presents information which is true and accurate. In 2008, the pentagon spent more than $2 billion compensating major media outlets for spreading public relations messages. These messages are delivered to the television viewer as news produced by the television station, not as paid and produced by the pentagon. In the same year, pharmaceutical companies paid television outlets more than $4 billion for advertising, which included Video News Releases (VNR), specially tailored pieces that appear within the nightly news disguised as researched and reported by the local stations. You will also see this back in the newspapers. If you have noticed it looks like to every article there is an researched linked saying it has been conducted by an university. While the university is being paid by the multinationals to give these results for their own purposes.

And yet while all this has been happening behind the scenes, the mass public has been duped into staking all their trust in select major media outlets as they express brand loyalty in television stations, newspapers, and magazines. Many people have been tricked into believing that the mainstream media reports only objective news while any information delivered from outside the mainstream is to always be questioned. Somehow the public has bought into the idea that the TV wouldn't lie to them. Many people will not pay any regard to information that is not covered by the major media. If the people did not hear about it on the nightly news then they simply don't care. This is the mindset that the major media companies want us to have, as we are willfully ignorant and obedient to their every direction. Our unanalytical and loyal viewership is in their best interest.

Major media news networks continually bombard us with the possibility of an endless amount of scenarios, which produce fear and then shape our reactions to real situations. This is predictive programming, which gets us familiar with an idea so that when it happens we expect it and do not react and question. Although most people refer to television programming as the shows that are aired on television, it can also refer to the programming of the people that occurs on a daily basis. Most people believe they are just simply being entertained, but they never realize that their way of life is being shaped for them and their thoughts are actually being given to them. They are being familiarized with ideas, concepts, and fear so they won't question certain interventions in the future. TV gives us what messages must be imprinted in our minds, gives us what button to push in what sequence, and if it's done the right way with the right production and the right propaganda then the public will react and do exactly as they've been programmed to do.

When one continually controls the information, one controls the people absorbing the information. The manufactured and controlled information on TV can be referred to as the signal and that constant signal is what shapes and guides the masses to their conclusions. Once we come to the conclusion that the media is intentionally deceiving us we can take our minds back. By turning off your TV you will realize the world that you're living in is suddenly very unfamiliar to you. You will see that news of no importance is constantly debated and analyzed, and as you listen to the conversations of people around you, you realize they're talking robots just repeating what they've heard on the news. Then you will understand and see them as people who are unable to reason or think for themselves. They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on the previous night's news.

We should all help each other to recognize this before mind control changes in total control. This is because this mass media is taking a problem by either creating it or allowing it to happen and presenting it to the population. It could be terrorism, molestation, extra terrestrials etc. These topics create fear and no one in their right mind would support terrorism or crime. If the media is being bombarded with problems the public will ask for an solution. This solution will practically be more security. Tough at the same time it also means indirectly less freedom and less privacy. Everywhere are cameras being installed, for safety reasons. Fingerprints of everyone is being put in a database, for safety reasons. You have to show who you are at every second of the day, for safety reasons. Someone who is conscious of critical thinking will question this. Everyone can see that this will end up in total control of the government. Seeing what we are doing, listening what we are talking about and even in the future knowing where and when we are going somewhere. Guess what happens if they notice something which they don’t like of someone or which could be an obstacle for them. Accuse him of something false and put them in jail or blocking his paths so his life will become miserable and even maybe kill him. This is not something new and has already happened numerous time.

The only way to stop this is by becoming aware and conscious of what is going on. More over letting others now. So they don’t do, think, say and follow what is being told to them but start making their own conclusions.

zaterdag 5 december 2009

Luxury of perfunctory trust

Have you ever had the courage to examine, criticize and question the schooling system and their teachers? Or where you so naive to believe their only goal is to educate us or just afraid this would influence your grades?

Everyone agrees on the fact that teachers should only execute their profession if their objective is to educate the student so they can use their taught knowledge as an advantage in their future life.

Tough you can break this up in 2 questions. Which are the following:
- What if their objective is not to educate but only give information?
- What if the teaching materials is irrelevant for the students future career?

Concerning these questions, how can you recognize a teacher who is only in front of class for his own hidden agenda, like making money trough the students. Result based, you could try to remember that one class where too many students failed without the teacher caring about it or helping the students to improve. Then why would he/she stand in front of the class if he/she doesn’t want to educate his/her students. Well, probably for one of the following reasons:

-To make money out of the students, by making it obligated for them to buy a book which he/she wrote or promotes.
-By using the student made material for own purpose.
-By using teaching as an advertisement tool and relate every piece of positive information to a brand or company to promote it.
-To find out which students are the upcoming effective and profitable workers and take them to their company.
-To persuade the students to take over the teachers ideas, attitudes or methodology for commercial or political reason.

If you click on the following url link, you will see a video of a significant amount of students complaining about teachers who are introducing their own ideas and views on topics in class while it is in no way relevant to the class subject. (Starting from 3:50)

Fortunately these students question and criticize their teachers behavior. Would they not, than you can imagine how big the influence of the teacher would be on the students. It would put the teacher in such a dominant position that it could be seen as an dictatorship. Like you can see in the video in the following url link, these situations are not unrealistic but actually achievable.

As you probably know the power to educate the next generation is an inestimable one and a free society cedes control at its will. Obviously most teachers won’t go out there and say that you should buy shares of a particular company or use its service. Tough, they will steer conversations and information to a particular outcome.

When my sales teacher - with approximately 25 years sales experience - was explaining the manipulative techniques daily used for selling products. I questioned him if this wasn’t unethical. Instead of answering me he laughed at me and made a personal joke about me, so I would be offended and pull back. After the whole class was done laughing about his joke, I repeated my question indicating that I did not get an answer yet. Then he made a black-white comparison which basically ended up as that if you would follow his footsteps and become an sales person you would enjoy the great benefits of it. Like having an expensive car, an beautiful wife and seeing the whole world. May you choose not to, than you could live in a jungle or desert having no woman by your side or having an underpaid five till nine job. So indirectly he was indicating that if you would be unethical you would have a good life being wealthy or be ethical and have an boring and lonely life. While I wasn’t the only one having this conclusion out if his story, he denied that this was correct enforcing us to accept his story was right. Unfortunately, the line between indoctrination and education is being blurred and ignored as you can see. It is no shame to question or criticize anything, as long as it’s based it on a solid argument. Teaching is starting to shift from being a specialized instructor to a missionary who wants to persuade and/or convert others to a doctrine.

No one is always satisfied with school, but do you trust them?